
apache + php + oracle + moodle 기본 설치후 에러

Lawmin 2012. 12. 29. 23:02

처음 설치하면 아래와 같이 경고가 뜬다.

느낌표 부분을 누르면 친절한 설명이 나오므로 그대로 하면 된다.

php.ini 의 extension 주석 해제만 해주면 끝!

Moodle 2.3.3+ (Build: 20121116)

Server checks

php_extensioncurlmust be installed and enabledmust be installed and enabledCheck
php_extensionmbstringshould be installed and enabled for best resultsshould be installed and enabled for best results

Installing the optional MBSTRING library is highly recommended in order to improve site performance, particularly if your site is supporting non-Latin languages.

php_extensionopensslshould be installed and enabled for best resultsshould be installed and enabled for best results

Installing the optional OpenSSL library is highly recommended -- it enables Moodle Networking functionality.

php_extensionxmlrpcshould be installed and enabled for best resultsshould be installed and enabled for best results

The xmlrpc extension is needed for hub communication, and useful for web services and Moodle networking

php_extensionsoapshould be installed and enabled for best resultsshould be installed and enabled for best results

Installing the optional soap extension is useful for web services and some contrib modules.

php_extensiongdshould be installed and enabled for best resultsshould be installed and enabled for best results

GD extension is used for conversion of images, some features such as user profile images will not be available if missing.

php_extensionintlshould be installed and enabled for best resultsshould be installed and enabled for best results

Intl extension is used to improve internationalization support, such as locale aware sorting.

unicodemust be installed and enabledmust be installed and enabledOK
databaseoracleversion 10.2 is required and you are running 10.2 is required and you are running
phpversion 5.3.2 is required and you are running 5.4.10version 5.3.2 is required and you are running 5.4.10OK
pcreunicodeshould be installed and enabled for best resultsshould be installed and enabled for best resultsOK
php_extensioniconvmust be installed and enabledmust be installed and enabledOK
php_extensiontokenizershould be installed and enabled for best resultsshould be installed and enabled for best resultsOK
php_extensionctypemust be installed and enabledmust be installed and enabledOK
php_extensionzipmust be installed and enabledmust be installed and enabledOK
php_extensionsimplexmlmust be installed and enabledmust be installed and enabledOK
php_extensionsplmust be installed and enabledmust be installed and enabledOK
php_extensionpcremust be installed and enabledmust be installed and enabledOK
php_extensiondommust be installed and enabledmust be installed and enabledOK
php_extensionxmlmust be installed and enabledmust be installed and enabledOK
php_extensionjsonmust be installed and enabledmust be installed and enabledOK
php_extensionhashmust be installed and enabledmust be installed and enabledOK
php_settingmemory_limitrecommended setting detectedrecommended setting detectedOK
php_settingsafe_moderecommended setting detectedrecommended setting detectedOK
php_settingfile_uploadsrecommended setting detectedrecommended setting detectedOK
You must solve all the environmental problems (errors) found above before proceeding to install this Moodle version!