JDBC sysdba
2010. 10. 7. 16:14
* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
* The following class provides an example of using JDBC to connect to an
* Oracle database using several advanced options. For example, one of the most
* used option is connecting to a database as SYSDBA. The following table
* contains
* Connection Properties Recognized by Oracle JDBC Drivers
* -------------------------------------------------------
* Name Short Name Type Description
* ------------------- ---------- -------- -----------------------------------
* user n/a String The user name for logging into the
* database.
* password n/a String The password for logging into the
* database.
* database server String The connect string for the database.
* internal_logon n/a String A role, such as SYSDBA or SYSOPER,
* that allows you to log on as SYS.
* defaultRowPrefetch prefetch String (containing integer value)
* The default number of rows to
* prefetch from the server.
* (default value is "10")
* remarksReporting remarks String (containing boolean value)
* "true" if getTables() and
* getColumns() should report
* TABLE_REMARKS; equivalent to using
* setRemarksReporting().
* (default value is "false")
* defaultBatchValue batchvalue String (containing integer value)
* The default batch value that triggers
* an execution request.
* (default value is "10")
* includeSynonyms synonyms String (containing boolean value)
* "true" to include column information
* from predefined "synonym" SQL
* entities when you execute a
* DataBaseMetaData getColumns() call;
* equivalent to connection
* setIncludeSynonyms() call.
* (default value is "false")
* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
* The following class provides an example of using JDBC to connect to an
* Oracle database using several advanced options. For example, one of the most
* used option is connecting to a database as SYSDBA. The following table
* contains
* Connection Properties Recognized by Oracle JDBC Drivers
* -------------------------------------------------------
* Name Short Name Type Description
* ------------------- ---------- -------- -----------------------------------
* user n/a String The user name for logging into the
* database.
* password n/a String The password for logging into the
* database.
* database server String The connect string for the database.
* internal_logon n/a String A role, such as SYSDBA or SYSOPER,
* that allows you to log on as SYS.
* defaultRowPrefetch prefetch String (containing integer value)
* The default number of rows to
* prefetch from the server.
* (default value is "10")
* remarksReporting remarks String (containing boolean value)
* "true" if getTables() and
* getColumns() should report
* TABLE_REMARKS; equivalent to using
* setRemarksReporting().
* (default value is "false")
* defaultBatchValue batchvalue String (containing integer value)
* The default batch value that triggers
* an execution request.
* (default value is "10")
* includeSynonyms synonyms String (containing boolean value)
* "true" to include column information
* from predefined "synonym" SQL
* entities when you execute a
* DataBaseMetaData getColumns() call;
* equivalent to connection
* setIncludeSynonyms() call.
* (default value is "false")
* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------